At a meeting held by St Behnam and Sarah Syriac Youth on 19th October 2018, Father Lenard (Youhanna) Ina suggested to introduce a youth group similar to St Behnam and Sarah Syriac Youth, in order to take care of the younger age groups (12 – 17 years) and to be in spoken Arabic and English. However, the focus will be on the English language as the new generation of this age group speak English fluently.
After the name of Saint Joseph, the worker, the servant and the obedient to the word of God, St Joseph Syriac Youth were launched on 4th May 2019 in a form of an initial meeting. This meeting was held in the presence of the parents, members of St Behnam and Sarah Syriac Youth and the St Ephrem Saturday School Coordinator, Mr Raghdan Bashir.
Currently, the youth consists of 50 young men and women. They have their meetings on Saturdays on a fortnightly basis. St Joseph Syriac Youth are guided and supported by members of St Behnam and Sarah Syriac Youth.
The meetings held for St Joseph Syriac Youth are based on these purposes: spiritual, psychological, social, recreational, sports and cultural. This diversity creates more opportunities for young people to attend, enjoy and learn, hence, the number of members initially started with 15 and currently reached up to 50 members.
The main goal of this youth is to establish a strong Christian generation, and to build Church leaders in the future as the young men and women are encouraged to utilise their leadership role from now even if was for a short period of time.
Finally, we affirm as Pope John Paul II sent an apostolic message in 1985 to all the youth of the world: “You are the future and hope of the Church.”
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We are meeting twice a month
Saturday Evening from 04:00PM
At Our Lady of Rosary 18 Vine St, Fairfield NSW 2165